Club Information


Nominations for this year’s David Fordham Memorial Award are now open

Please send your nominations to Andy Jezioro WA2ONG and include the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Your Call
  • The name of the person you are nominating
  • A short description regarding the reason for the nomination.

Please send this info to

Next Meeting

February 6th, 2025

The MARA January meeting will be held on February 6, 2025 at the Wood Grill in Harrisonburg. Dinner at 6:00 with the formal meeting starting at 7:00.

The program will be on the ICS (Incident Command System) given by Bryan Daniels K4RMY

Hope to see you all there.

Guests are always welcome. If you have an interest in Amateur Radio we would love to have you attend a meeting.Future Meetings

Note: We will be posting information on Hamfests, QSO Parties and special event stations on a regular basis. Check the Upcoming Events tab. We will also be posting this information on our Facebook page. Search Facebook for Massanutten Amateur Radio Association, Inc.

The club presently owns and operates three repeaters in the Shenandoah Valley: 

  1. The K4MRA repeater on 444.600 has been relocated to the Massanutten Peak east of Harrisonburg. It is currently back on the air with the permanent antenna. Check it out and let us know if you were able to access the repeater.
  2. The 145.130 repeater is located on Massanutten Peak east of Harrisonburg.
  3. The 147.315 repeater is located on Great Northern Mountain west of Mount Jackson.

All three repeaters use standard offsets, and all three repeaters require CTCSS (PL) tone of 131.8 Hz.

Members of MARA generally come from Rockingham, Page, Shenandoah, and Augusta counties, but membership is open to anyone interested in ham radio, regardless of residence.   You do not have to hold an FCC license to join the club.

MARA is an incorporated, not-for-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Service rules.  The club sponsors FCC amateur radio examinations, and provides information to individuals interesting in becoming licensed.   The club also sponsors many public-service activities to support other non-profit and charitable organizations in the Valley, and to provide communications practice and expertise to local hams.  The club is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League.

Club dues are $15.00 per calendar year.   The dues support the operation and maintenance of the club’s repeaters, corporate charter renewals, liability insurance premium, and activities such as the club’s annual Field Day. Field Day is held jointly with the Valley Amateur Radio Association (VARA) which meets in Staunton (20 miles south of Harrisonburg) on the first Tuesday of each month.

Monthly meetings are open to everyone, and visitors are especially welcome.  You do not need to be a club member to attend the meetings.

For more information, contact one of the club officers.

The club can also be reached by mail at:  MARA, PO Box 1882, Harrisonburg, VA 22801