| Augusta County Ares Net meets the second Thursday of every month at 8:00 pm 146.85 PL 131.8 and 146.490 Simplex |
| Rockingham County Ares Net meets every Monday night at 8:00 pm Simplex is 146.550 on the first Monday of the month. Other Mondays use the 145.130 (K4MRA) repeater, PL 131.8 minus offset . The 147.225 K4KLH repeater, PL 131.8 plus offset, will be used on 5th Mondays and as needed. Also, the 147.225 will be used for traffic if needed. |
| Page County ARES Net meets every Sunday night at 8:00 pm. First Sunday 146.550 Simplex. Other Sundays 146.625 PL 131.8 |
| Highland County ARES Net meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights at 8:30 pm 147.18 PL 100.0 |
| Minus- Two Net meets every night at 10:00 pm 146.850 PL 131.8 |
| Mercury Training Net meets every Sunday 8:45 PM 145.13 PL 131.8 |
| Old Dominion Emergency Net meets First and Third Mondays at 1830 EST on 3947kHz, also meets the last Wednesday at 2045 EST on 3947kHz, and also meets the second Wednesday at 2045 EST on 1900kHz |
| Virginia Sideband Net meets daily at 1800 EST on 3947kHz |
| Virginia Phone Net meets daily at 1600 and 1930 EST on 3947kHz |
| Virginia Traffic Net meets daily at 1300 EST on 3907kHz and 7260kHz |
| Northern Virginia Traffic Net meets daily at 1930 EST on the 147.300 repeater (+.600) MHz |